Subjuntivo - Subjunctive Case



The significant other in mi vida is Puertoriqueña, and so I get a lot of opportunity to practice español. One of the things I keep getting messed up on is the subjunctive. Mi novia found a powerpoint presentation that explained it in detail and here is some info I've learned from it for those who like me, may be struggling con el subjuntivo: I. How to form the subjunctive for regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs Take the "yo" form of the verb and change the endings. -AR verbs: yo hablo (hablar: to speak) Subjuntivo: yo hable, tu hables, el/ella/usted hable, nosotros hablemos, ellos/ellas/usted hablen. -ER verbs: yo como (comer: to eat) Subjuntivo: yo coma, tu comas, el/ella/usted coma, nosotros comamos, ellos/ellas/ustedes coman -IR verbs: yo vivo (vivir: to live) Subjuntivo: yo viva, tu vivas, el/ella/usted viva, nosotros vivamos, ellos/ellas/ustedes vivan Notice that the patter for regular -er and -ir verbs is the same. II. When to use the subjuntivo W.E.I.R.D Wishing: Espero que tengas dinero - I hope that you have money. Emotion: Siento que tu no tengas dinero - I'm sorry that you don't have money. Impersonal expressions: Es posible que yo tenga dinero - It is possible that I have money. Requests: Quiero que comas la comida - I want you to eat the food. Doubts: No creo que ella viva en un palacio - I don't believe that she lives in a palace. * Note that in each sentence consists of two clauses: No creo [ I don't believe] QUE [THAT] ella viva en un palacio [she lives in a palace] The subject in the first clause MUST be different than the subject in the second clause. This is what I understand, if I've made a mistake, please correct me.


Hola taalibeen. Muchas gracias. I really found this helpful, especially the W.E.I.R.D. bit. I'm not sure whether this is the website that your novia found, but today on the Learning Spanish Like Crazy forum someone posted a message about a site with lots of powerpoint slides about Spanish. The web site was __ It has a similar powerpoint presentation about the subjunctive, but instead of W.E.I.R.D., it uses U.W.E.I.R.D.O! The U is for uncertainty (e.g., No creo que Laura venga a la fiesta) and the O is for order (e.g., Te mando que pares). There are a zillion more powerpoint presentations on the site, all devoted to aspects of Spanish.

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