"Suerte" - Shakira



I'm going through songs I'm used to singing along with (to the chagrin of my neighbors...) and trying to clear up any portions I don't understand. There are subtle uses - and non uses - of the subjunctive in this song which are beyond me (but I would like to understand). Here are the phrases:
- Suerte que en el sur hayas nacido          How fortunate you were born in the south... [subjunctive]
- Suerte que es haberte conocido              How fortunate to have met you... [indicative]
- Suerte que es tener labios sinceros        How fortunate to have sincere lips... [indicative]
- Suerte que mis pechos sean pequeños  How fortunate that my breasts are small... [subjunctive]
- Suerte que herede las piernas firmes     How fortunate to have inherited strong legs... [subjunctive]

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