Is it better to say "tomar una foto" or "sacar una foto". Don't they both mean to take?
Take and Take

February 24, 2017

February 25, 2017
You have to be careful not to take the translations literally. To take has many meanings in English which do not map to tomar. To me, "tomar una foto" means "to take possession of a photo". On the other hand, "sacar una foto" means to "snap a photo", roughly speaking.

February 25, 2017
Well, Rocket Languages gave me 50 points for this reply and took it away seconds later. It has done that to me in the recent past.

February 26, 2017
Gracias Robert. That makes sense.

March 5, 2017
Robert is correct that the word take has a variety of meanings. And in Spanish the same is true for tomar and sacar. Both are acceptable, although in different countries one might be preferred over the other. Here in Peru both are used.
According to the Larousse dictionary:
Sacar - hacer una foto
Tomar - filmar, fotografiar
According to the Larousse dictionary:
Sacar - hacer una foto
Tomar - filmar, fotografiar

March 5, 2017
Thanks for clearing that up for me.