Teaching children Spanish



I am learning Spanish and I am at the beginner/intermediate level. My wife is a little behind me on her Spanish level right now. We would like to teach our children Spanish, because it is much easier to learn as a child than as an adult. Does anybody have any suggestions that would be beneficial? I try to teach them words, like colors and parts of the body. We also watch Plaza Sesamo (which is beneficial for me as well!) Thanks


Something to think about............ How did they learn English ???? ......................................................................... Right ! And that's how you teach them Spanish. Antonio Edit: I teach Thai and Chinese speaking children English that way. Simply teach them what they NEED to get* around the house*....the rest comes easy


__Kid Stuff Spanish__ by Tereses Slevin Pirz is a good book that can help. It's a Spanish phrase book filled with things that you might say to a child in their everyday life. It can help you use Spanish naturally through out the day with your children. Its kind of pricey though at $30 for a paperback phrase book. Even so, its a great resource to have if you are trying to teach your children Spanish and in my opinion totally worth the money.


I happened to just read this [url=http://how-to-learn-any-language.com/e/guide/raising-polyglot-kids.html:2jiw3vu7]raising polyglot kids[/url:2jiw3vu7] page - so far I just skimmed it but it looks good so I bookmarked it for later.


Netflix can also be a good resource. For little children you can rent the Little Pim spanish series. Check out "Las Tres Mellizas" and "Juanito Jones" there as well. Children's books can be a great learning tool. I like __Pio Peep__ a bilingual book filled with traditional spanish nursery rhymes that comes with a CD. For young children Rebecca Emberley does a series of bilingual board books that are simple and visually appealing. If you are looking for more of a course that your children can take check out these web sites __http://www.allbilingual.com/index.htm__and __http://www.language-publications.com/home.html__ Good Luck!

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