When do you use _teléfono_ and when do you use _telefónico_? I notice your course teaches _número de telefónico_.
I looked it up in my dictionary and it says the word for telephone is _teléfono_, but in example sentences it uses _telefónico_. It doesn't explain when to use one over the other.
Examples from my dictionary:
[list:13h9fqlg][*:13h9fqlg]*a telephone call*: una llamada telefónica[/*:m:13h9fqlg]
[*:13h9fqlg]*a telephone booth*: una cabina telefónica[/*:m:13h9fqlg]
[*:13h9fqlg]*a telephone number*: un número de teléfono.[/*:m:13h9fqlg][/list:u:13h9fqlg]
Can you explain its uses, or does it depend on your dialect/personal preference?
teléfono / telefónico

October 3, 2005

October 5, 2005
Hola GraphicMD,
It is like you say, intirely up to the user.
Saying that, if you want to use "telefónico" you will have to take the "de"
out of the phrase "numero telefónico". eg. ¿Me quieres dar tu número
telefónico? - _Do you want to give me your phone number?_
Otherwise you can go with the more common "número de teléfono"
eg. ¿Me quieres dar tu número de teléfono?
_Do you want to give me your phone number?_ It means exactly the same thing.
Even your examples can be changed to:
a telephone call: una llamada telefónica - _una llamade de teléfono_
a telephone booth: una cabina telefónica - _una cabina de teléfono_
a telephone number: un número de teléfono - _un número telefónico_
Hope that helps. All the best.

October 6, 2005
Makes since. Thanks.

October 22, 2006
[quo]*Quote from * Mauricio
Saying that, if you want to use "telefónico" you will have to take the "de"
out of the phrase "numero telefónico". eg. ¿Me quieres dar tu número
telefónico? - _Do you want to give me your phone number?_
Otherwise you can go with the more common "número de teléfono"
eg. ¿Me quieres dar tu número de teléfono?
_Do you want to give me your phone number?_ It means exactly the same thing.
Even your examples can be changed to:
a telephone call: una llamada telefónica - _una llamade de teléfono_
a telephone booth: una cabina telefónica - _una cabina de teléfono_
a telephone number: un número de teléfono - _un número telefónico_
I've never come across the whole "teléfono/telefónico" thing before. I understand it. It's simply placement or removal of 'de'.
Gracias, GraphicMD for your great question! :)
Gracias, Mauricio for clearing up the differences between the two! :D