Tell me if I did this right



I've been working on the beginners course for about a month and find it helpful to write stuff out. I just tried to imagine a simple conversation I had with both my kids on a few occasions. I don't know if I got it right, though. Kid says: Quiero ir a la fiesta graduación. I want to go to the graduation party. And dad's reply is: Lo siento pero no puede ir – fin de la conversación. I’m sorry but you can’t go – end of the conversation. When the point is pressed: ¿Por que? Why? Dad answers: Porque no es su fiesta graduación y tiene que estudiar esta noche. Because it’s not your graduation party and you have to study tonight.


Hello Frank, That's very good. Here it is with proper grammar.. it's very close, well done. Quiero ir a la fiesta de graduación Lo siento pero no puedes ir - y esto es el fin de la conversación*. (*sounds a little funny in spanish. To get this point across we would say... "y punto!" (meaning you put a full stop on the conversation) ¿Por que? Porque no es tu fiesta de graduación y tienes que estudiar esta noche. So well done, I must say you are doing great for it to be your first month. I like the way you are thinking, mock up (real) conversations will get you a long way. Regards Mauricio.

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