In lesson 3.2 Amy says "tengo que irme." I was watching Destinos (thanks Dan) and Raquel used "tengo que ir." What's the difference or are they both the same? Is there a certain situation when the reflexive is required or more appropriate?
tengo que irme

November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014
It seems that when you say "tengo que ir"...I have to must finish the sentence with a place: Tengo que ir al cine. Tengo que ir a la casa. (Although if the listener knows where you are planning to go, "tengo que ir" might be sufficient?)
But if you just want to say that you are going, without specifying a place, you use "Tengo que irme."
I stand more than ready to be corrected if I am wrong.

November 19, 2014
Both "tengo que ir" and "tengo que irme" translate to "I have to go", but the second just seems more correct. It is probably as Dan says, that the second form just says we are going without specifying where.

Ava Dawn
November 20, 2014
I should get a notebook and write all these forum discussions, so when I see Diana, I could see what she thinks, if it really makes a difference.

November 20, 2014
I quite often note things that we talk about here, or that I see in the lessons or in the book I am reading to discuss with Sara.

November 20, 2014
Thanks for the responses. That makes a lot of sense.