Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Tengo vivi en Irlanda 8 meses (?)

Tengo vivi en Irlanda 8 meses (?)



I just came across this in a forum from someone who is from Venezuela. Is this correct? This is the first time I've seen this construction (tengo viví) which I presume is intended to mean "I have lived" - but the grammar looks almost too "English". This, on the other hand, is similar and I have seen:

- Porque tengo pensado llevarte... - Because I'm thinking of bringing...


Hmmm, that does look very Englishy.  The standard way of saying that is "he vivido en Irlanda 8 meses".  


Exactly. I find it hard to believe that a native Spanish speaker would write something like that. I didn't add her to my contact list...


"Tengo que vivir en Irlanda" (I have to live in Ireland).
"Viví en Irlanda" (I lived in Ireland).
"He vivido en Irlanda" (I have lived in Ireland)
"Vivía en Irlanda/Solía vivir en Irlanda" (I used to live in Ireland).

Those are the only sentences , related to this, that make sense to me. "tengo vivi" doesn't make sense in spanish.

Saludos desde Baja!!!

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