Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Tense of Quería and Queríamos

Tense of Quería and Queríamos



As I understand it these mean "I'd like" and We'd like" respectively. Yet on checking up in 501 verbs, this spelling with the single r is the imperfect tense, which I would have thought meant "I liked" and "We liked". Shouldn't "I'd like" and "We'd like" be the conditional tense? Or is this just another of these anomolies that one just has to accept? Alan


I think you may be confusing quería/queríamos (imperfect) with querría/querríamos (conditional). The _conditional_ (with a double r) means "I'd like" or "we'd like."


That's what I thought. A phrase book I was looking at had it with the single "r" and I thought it was wrong. Alan


Was this the same book that offered the confusing explanation with "de ti"? If so, tiralo a la basura :D

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