The Scriptorium Technique



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I have been using this technique while studying the past several lessons, and I am finding that it helps me learn better. The basic technique is to first, say the sentence out loud. Then you say each word while writing it carefully. You make sure of meaning, spelling, and accents as you go. Then you repeat the sentence aloud again. Even though it is not called for by its developer, I also make sure I understand its meaning as well. The point of the exercise is to make you slow way down and think about vocabulary and grammar. It could be that I am attracted to this method simply because I like to write with pen and paper, but the exercise is really helping me concentrate on individual words and sentence structure in a way that just reading does not. I tend to quickly skim a sentence when reading, and miss details. This method causes me to think about each word; what it means, and what its function is in the sentence. This morning I spent 45 minutes studying Language and Culture Lesson 10.8, reading, listening to, writing, and speaking each Spanish sentence in the lesson. Next study sesson I will use the same process while taking the tests.

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