I am lost on the use of definite article "the"--when is it used, and not used, in Spanish. Two examples are given below. The first I know for a fact that the definite article is used:
1) Estaba cocinando _el_ desayuno
But in the second example I have heard and have used:
2)...en vez de papas quisiera...
Why is it not "...en vez de _las_ papas..."? Or can be used with or without? What is the rule? Thanks.
the use of "the"

June 18, 2006

August 9, 2006
I asked a friend from mexico you question, and here is her answer:
. In the example you mention about "las papas" I would use both indistinctively.
*__en vez de papas quisiera__... means instead of fries I want/or I would like.....*
*__en vez de las papas__. means instead of the fries. that are incuded in this meal (implicit)*