the vs. some



how do you say the pencils how do you say some pencils


Rather than simply give you the answer, I respectfully suggest you will learn more by figuring it out yourself. If you want to post your answer here, I, and I am sure many others, will tell you if you are correct.
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Las lapices Unas lapices Maybe others will correct this if it is not right


Lapiz is a masculine noun, so I believe it should be LOS lapices and UNOS lapices.


Hola amigos! Well, first of all, i think Dan's comment is very interesting, since , the only way to actually learn is to try and try , even if the answers are not correct, just as our friend Aurora did. Aurora, very good, that was a very good try, but, as they pointed out , EL LAPIZ, is a masculine noun, so just change the letter "a" for "o". Los lápices Algunos lápices or Unos lápices. Remember to add the accent on the "á". Saludos desde Tijuana!


Thank you for correcting my correction, Christian! As I have learned more Spanish the importance of accents has become increasingly apparent. Like gumbo without file powder and tabasco sauce, words without their accents may be something else entirely.

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