The word "Cual"



Hi all - just a quick question re the word "cual." When it is used in lesson 3.1, it translates as "which." eg Cual rubio? = Which blond? Then, in lesson 3.3, it translates as "what" eg Cual es el pronostico del tiempo para el sabado? = What's the weather forecast......etc. Can someone please explain? Could you also say Que es el pronostico del tiempo....etc? Thanks in advance for setting things straight. Ozicoyote :?


Hola Ozicoyote, Thanks for the question. "Cual" is quite a diverse word and depending where you use it it can mean different things in English. Through most of the course we don't translate things literally, so you need to watch out for that or it will get confusing. "What's the weather forecast" is quite well used phrase in English as is "¿cual es el pronostico del tiempo? in Spanish, both ask the exact same thing and that's why we translated it that way... as "Which is the weather forecast for..." sounds a bit funny in English. Now, Que is a bit different, if you were to ask... ¿Que es el pronostico del tiempo? Someone will go onto explain to you in detail what a "weather forecast" is... like you know, when people try to guess what the weather it's going to be tomorrow... :wink: I hope that helps. Mauricio.


Muchas gracias Mauricio. That helps me out :) Ozicoyote

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