Todos son "Koch".



Working through the sci-fi series Babylon 5 in Spanish... "Koch" is speaking here. These aliens all have the same name. Bref... I find it curious in Spanish how you can have "Todos somos..." and "Todos son..." even when in the latter case the person speaking is included in the "todos". I've seen a number of examples of this in the course as well.


Hmm, interesting. I would think "todos somos Koch" translates to "we are all Koch" while "todos son Koch" translates to "they are all Koch". Where do you get Babylon 5 DVDs with a Spanish language tract?


There are actually quite a few web sites out there. Try doing a web search on "Babylon 5 español online". Was this series popular in the US when it was on the air? Setting aside the somewhat dated special effects, I find the overall plot as well as the individual story lines to be very innovative and thought provoking.


Babylon 5 was what you might call a cult classic. It had an active internet following. Probably the best and most popular website is the "Lurkers Guide". I don't know how far along you are in the show but one thing to keep in mind is that the show's creator had a 5 year plan for the story arc. Babylon 5 was probably never as popular as Star Trek and seasons 4 and 5 almost were canceled. You do need to pay attention to the details, particularly in seasons 3 and 4.


Thanks for the heads up. I am now a few episodes into season 5. It's clear they crammed two seasons into season 4 and the last episode there was intended to be the last of the series (believing that that would be the end). The season 5 episodes I've seen so far resemble those of most other series now - as opposed to each episode contributing to a cohesive, overall story (much like a book). Babylon 5 was very innovative in quite a few ways. Who would have thought of replacing the main character after one year, only to later bring him back to play a pivotal role? In any event, the Spanish is relatively easy to follow - it was a good decision to make this part of my language learning experience.


Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Thanks for sharing. Sounds interesting. My whole family is fanatic with Star Trek. When a movie of Star Trek got released, we were first in line.



I need to check these out.

But I want to hear Captain Picard saying "Make it so" in Spanish...

"Hacer así" is the best I can do.

Both Bing and Google Translators translate it as "Que sea así," but when you reverse translate it, Bing returns it as "so." A waste of Patrick Stewart's wonderful voice, in my opinion.



There is actually a thread out there discussing the best way to translate "Make it so" in Spanish, though none seem to quite capture the essence/spirit of Patrick Stewart's famous line. The last two in the following list are apparently what are used in the translated series: "Adelante", "¡Que así sea!", "Hágalo", "Hagámoslo"...



At the risk of mixing SciFi metaphors, I think we need the counsel of our resident Yoda.

¿Qué dices, Cristian?

marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

I would actually translate this as:

"Que así sea" or,

"Hazlo así"




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