traer or llevar



In lesson 3.3 the verb traer is used. It makes more sense to me (as an English person) to use llevar. Does this make sense to you?


Hola a todos,
 I had forgotten this lesson and came across this use of traer yesterday after taking a look at the flashcards. I think it should be llevar and that it is contrary to  traer vs. llevar. Llevar from where you are to elsewhere, traer from somewhere else to where you are. It's the same thing with ir vs. venir. 



I agree with Ricardo that llevar seems more appropriate in this context.
This seems like another one of those differences in perspective between English and Spanish. 
When I go to my favorite Cuban restaurant I often order a cafe con leche after lunch. Estela always asks "¿para llevar?", unlike in English where a waitress would ask if you want it "to go." 

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