Am I just missing it, or are there downloadable transcripts for the Level I Interactive Audio Course somewhere? I know about *ConversationCourse.pdf* and *RocketVocabSupp.pdf*, and that some of the words/phrases from the Interactive Audio Course appear there, but that's different from a full transcript.
I am finding it difficult to understand some of the words, and I really think transcripts would help. I find it very irritating, frustrating, and hindering that I have to hunt down each word individually.
Transcripts for Interactive Audio Course?

October 12, 2008

October 13, 2008
The transcripts are there on the same page as where you are able to download the MP3.
Amy: ¡Hola, Mauricio!
Mauricio: ¡Hola, Amy! ¿Cómo estás?
Amy: Bien, ¿y tú?
Mauricio: Muy bien.
» English Translation
Amy: Hello, Mauricio!
Mauricio: Hello, Amy! How are you? (informal)
Amy: Well. And you? (informal)
Mauricio: Very well.

October 13, 2008
Yes, thank you, but I've seen that. I was referring to something in a PDF or some other compiled format. Or do I actually have to copy/paste the entire course?

October 14, 2008
You can save the page as a HTML page.
This way you keep all the formating and for RS Level 1 you only get 7 pages.
This is not a big effort

October 14, 2008
Plus 5 more pages for Level 2, which means I have to open, save, and print 12 different pages, rather than one or two single compiled files so I can view and print the complete transcript at one time.
And this is what I paid $170 for--so I can compile my own transcripts?
Thanks for the snide reply.

October 15, 2008
Plus 5 more pages for Level 2, which means I have to open, save, and print 12 different pages, .[/quo]
The total time for doing this is no more than 5 minutes.
If you don't have that time, I advice you not to learn a foreign language, as this will take hundreds of hours of your time.
so I can view and print the complete transcript at one time[/quo]
I think it's much better to learn the lessons one by one, rather than all together.
Thanks for the snide reply[/quo]
My pleasure.
*Please note: I am a moderator and_ __do not___ represent the opinion of the Rocket Spanish management
If my answers do not satisfy you, feel free to email the webmaster ( Mauricio ) who maybe can serve you better.
Best regards and good luck

October 22, 2008
I agree with Eeyore that it would be helpful to have transcripts available, especially when you haven't access to a computer and are using an mp3-player while travelling. I did the paste and copy and it took a while, especially due to some format issues in level 2. Of course saving html-files isn't big a deal, but for user convinience it would be fine if you, Antonio, could forward Eeyory's suggestion to the RS team to post easy-to-download-files of the transcripts.
Well...Since I've done some of the work I could share the files, but I don't know how to do it on this forum.

October 22, 2008
My transcripts are in *.txt and *.doc format, nothing particularly fancy but usable.

October 23, 2008
but for user convenience it would be fine if you, Antonio, could forward Eeyory's suggestion to the RS team to post easy-to-download-files of the transcripts.[/quo]
Please forgive me, but I stick with my previous post that it's no effort at all to do it yourself in the format you want.
You may suggest it yourse3lf if you feel strong about it.
The link is at the bottom of the page: Help & contacts.
When it opens, again go to the bottom of the page : contact.
Best regards