I saw a bumper sticker the other day that read "Que Jesus Te Amo". I suppose this is one of those things that does not lend itself to literal translation.
I thought "Te Amo" meant "I love you" and is something a person would say to their spouse (not sure if married people still tell each other that or not?? :wink: ).
I have seen "Jesus Loves You" in English on bumper stickers before so my guess is that is the intended meaning. What do you think?

June 21, 2007

June 21, 2007
Hi Tocayo,
Good question, I had to think about it a little.
I think it's saying (not literally) "Jesus did love you" as in saying like you say "Jesus loves you" but the "que" in front of it is reinforcing the fact that he did love you... sort of taking any doubt out of the sentence.
Sometimes when I say yes or no (for the 5th time to someone) I might through in a "QUE SI" or "QUE NO"...to get my point across and finalise it. I guess it short for "Te dije que si/no".
Hope that makes some sense to you

June 24, 2007
I'm glad you mentioned that, Tocayo. If I would have ever seen that, I wouldn't have fully understood.
Mauricio, your explanation makes sense. At least to _me._ Gracias.