I've been on the Rocket Spanish program for about three months now and have learned quite a bit of Spanish. I continue to impress my Spanish freinds.
However, I still find it difficult to fully understand native speakers. I, for example, like watching those crazy game shows on Univision, but with so many people talking so fast, most of what there’re saying just goes over my head. I understand and am able to pick out most of the words in their sentences, but do not get the entire context.
About how long of studying Spanish when understanding natural speakers gets easier or am I the only one having this problem. I admit, I’m not the brightest bulb in the lamp so maybe I’m just learning more slowly than others.
Understanding Native Speakers

June 22, 2007

June 24, 2007
Hi Ronaldo. I've been studying Spanish for about 1 1/2 years now. I, like you, watch some of the programs on Univision from time to time and still don't understand most of it. I've gotten adjusted to the speed in which the Spanish is spoken but don't know enough of the words. I can grasp some of the news when I watch that though. I think it's taking me a long time to learn but people tell me I'm doing GREAT. I'm able to converse pretty well in latin restaurants and even understand most of the signs in HOME DEPOT. LOLOLOLOLOL.
I'm also "thick" at times and get stuck on things. Fortunately, I work with someone who majored in languages in college and she helps me out. Also, I work with muchos Cubanos. Unfortunately, most of them will not speak Spanish with me. I don't know if it's a Cuban thing or not but a lot of other people from different latin countries seem to be more amicable to help.
Que tengas un muy bien dia.

June 24, 2007
Hola, Ronaldo. As of today, I have been learning Spanish for 19 months and 11 days. After an entire year passing, I still couldn't make out enough of what native speakers were saying, while watching Univision or hearing them speak elsewhere. Just like you, I was able to decipher most of the words in a sentence, but did not comprehend the full context. It was a must to have closed captioning turned on. :) I'll say about ... 3 or 4 months ago, is when I began to understand complete sentences accompanied with the pace of words. I felt comfortable in knowing that what I understood I heard, was truly what I heard; word for word. I really didn't think it would take me that long to fully understand what people were saying at a normal speed, but it did. Now, I don't _have_ to use closed captioning, although, sometimes I do, just in case I come across a word that is new to me. I'll be able to see its spelling, too, and won't have to wonder if the way I think it's spelled by hearing only, is the correct spelling.