In the sentence Te lo voy a dar/ I'm going to give it to you. Is it true that you can use the direct and indirect object pronouns in one of three places? Either before the conjugated verb voy after the infinitive dar or if there is a word ending in ndo (ing) word, after the ndo word? I know that the indirect object pronoun always goes before the direct object pronoun. And that the se word is formed when the words Le and les go before the words lo, la, los and las. So my question is why am I having so much trouble forming senences when using the flashcards? Is there some rule that I'm missing? I'm starting to get them now but how in the world are you supposed to break down a sentence in your mind before you say it?
And the sentence “se la servimos a él/ we serve it to him. What determines the gender of the la word since verbs are neither male or female? And with the sentence ”Gabriela quiere dárselo a María /Gabriela wants to give it to Maria", how do you get the word lo instead of la, when two females are being spoken about?