Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Use of present perfect subjunctive

Use of present perfect subjunctive



I've spent this week trying to master some rules in the subjunctive. Is this a correct statement to say in the present perfect subjunctive Espero que hayas cubierto la comida. I hope you(may) have covered the food.


Hola John, Sí, es correcto. ¡Bien hecho! Saludos, Ricardo


Hola Ricardo, Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. El modo subjuntivo es muy dificil. Juan en Escocia


Hola Juan, De nada amigo. Estoy de acuerdo contigo el modo subjuntivio es difícil pero tambien a mi es muy interesante. Ya voy escribir en inglés. John, I posted a link to 10 videos on the subjunctive from LightSpeed Spanish which addresses the present subjunctive, but on the main site there are videos that discuss the imperfect subjunctive as well. Below is a link that also has some good info about the subjunctive, videos, usage examples, etc. Saludos, Ricardo

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