What does "se" mean in "Se le ofrece algo mas" ?
Use of "se"

January 16, 2011

January 20, 2011
Se le ofrece algo más. Means "Something more is offered to you/her/him"
In this sentence, se+3rd person singular is used. This literally means "is offered", and is the 3rd person of the present passive voice. (This construction is often used to avoid using the subjunctive mood, but I won't get into that here)
The "le" is the indirect object pronoun meaning "to him/to her/to you (usted)".
Indirect object particles precede the conjugated verb in most cases. (the exceptions being a positive command, the present participle, and an infinitive).
Therefore "se le ofrece" means "is offered to you/him/her". Algo más means something more.
Thus, "Se le ofrece algo más" means. Something more is offered to him/her/you.
I just thought I'd explain how the entire sentence is formed. If there's something you don't get, just ask. I don't actually use RocketSpanish, but I'm doing a general proficiency GCSE in Spanish.

January 21, 2011
It's a common, polite way of asking if a person needs anything else. Americans would say "Is there anything else we can help you with today?"
The "Se ___ ofrece" part means that it might not be the speaker specifically who helps the person, maybe his assistant or something.

January 22, 2011
Thanks for all your helpful explanations!