in the spanish language do you use the word for 'have' the same ways as in english?
e.g. "i have to go now" or "i have improved" or "i haven't start yet"
If not how would things like this be said?
muchas gracias
use of tener

October 13, 2011

October 13, 2011
Hola Brett!
In spanish our word for "have" is "tener"...and it is used almost the same way ...ill try to explain:
"I have to go now" would be "Tengo que irme ahora"...Notice that the verb "tener" changes to "tener" , cause you are talking about yourself..(YO in spanish)...
so it is "(yo)Tengo que irme ahora"...
Now for the 2nd example...this one is a little bit tricky..."I have improved" , meaning that you are getting better at spanish you could say something like...
"Yo tengo mejoria"..but it sound a little bit strange...i would use "Yo he mejorado"...this expression represents the "i have improved"...the "he" comes from the verb "haber" (to be , in english) so it would something like "I am...improved"..i know this doesnt make sense in english, but it is the equivalent in spanish...
FOr the 3rd one it is the same as in the 2nd example..."I havent started yet"...would be "(Yo) No he comenzado aún"....
Hope this helps you...
Saludos desde Mexico!! que tengas un buen dia!

November 7, 2011
how would you say I have had enough to eat

November 7, 2011
Hola Betty, como estas?. Yo tuve una novia que se llamaba asi...y mi tia se llama Betty.
(Hello Betty, how are you? I had a girlfriend that had that name, and my aunt`s name is Betty :) hehe).
There a different ways to say that , i think the propper one is :
Estoy satisfecho or Ya quede satisfecho....these both mean "Im (already) satisfied".
The other phrase we use, at least in Mexico is: "Ya estoy lleno"...or "Ya quede lleno"....this both mean "Im full" or "I just got full", but this expresion hmmm how can i say this, well, the thing is that you should only use this with friends and family cause it is a little bit more "casual" against the formal "Estoy satisfecho"....
I hope this info helps!....
saludos desde Mexico amiga Betty :)