Use of the verb form GUSTO



I learned that there is no verb GUSTO (no accent)

However, I come across le gusto - she (he) likes me. or te gusto(you like me).


I do not understand how the first person singular is used with this backwards verb…  I thought you can only have gusta, gustas or gustan.


Please help..this is confusing.. 



¡Hola Ken3883!

Some Spanish speakers (and Spanish teachers) will insist that the backward verb gustar “to like” should only ever be conjugated in the third person - that is, as gusta or gustan. And most of the time, this is the only way you'll see gustar used. When you're talking about liking a person, though, then some people will happily use other conjugations too, like gustas or gusto.

You can find an explanation about this in Lesson 7.4 "To Like, To Love and To Lack" under the heading "GUSTAR 'To Be Pleasing / To Like'" (subheading: “Liking People”).

I hope that this helps to clear everything up!



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