I was just wondering how I would ask someone where 'the nearest ATM' is, or where 'an ATM' is. By ATM, I mean Automatic Teller Machine. What would be the most common way of asking this question to a stranger?
useful travel question

September 14, 2005

September 14, 2005
Good question.
There are a few things you could say to get you there. the first is
"Disculpe (or perdón), me puede decir donde hay un cajero automático"
That's basically saying "Excuse me, can you tell me where is an automatic cashier.
Second, if you really want to ask for the __nearest__ ATM you should say
"Disculpe, ¿Me puede decir donde está el cajero automático más cercano?
or to make it shorter "Disculpe, ¿Donde está el cajero automático más cercano?
Well, I hope that helps, if you have any more useful questions please ask.
Mauricio :lol: