Using the verb gustar



I have a question about the correct use of the verb "gustar" in the conditional tense. I know that I can say things like "me gustaría ir a nadar" and "me gustaría viajar." But must the expression "me gustaría" always be followed directly by a verb? Or can it be followed by a "thing" also? For example, can I say "me gustaría una copa de vino tinto" or "me gustaría otro chocolate"? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.


Hola Tango! YOu did a correct intepretation, you , indeed can use the verb "gustar" followed by a "thing" (cosa or objeto in spanish). but it has to be followed by an article or other form , for example you used "una copa" or "otro chocolate", both are correct, but for example if you said just "me gustaria vino tinto" you dont specify how much wine do you want, you just say this in a general way, same goes with "me gustaria chocolate", since you didnt use "otro" that leave the expression undefined, but still makes sense 100%. Saludos desde Mexico!


Hola Cristian Thanks for your help with my question. I was surprised to receive such a fast reply. I have read many of your interesting postings and I hope we will have more exchanges in the future. Best wishes.

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