Using "ya"



Could you tell me when and how you would use "ya" in a sentence. It seems to be used in different contexts. Thanks


Yes, *ya* has lots of different meanings and uses. Here's what my Babylon online dictionary (which I *LOVE*) says about *ya*: *ya* adverbio 1 already *esa película ya la he visto* I've already seen that film *¿que ya se han casado?* what! they've got married already? *el domingo ya no estaremos aquí* we'll already have left by Sunday *eso ya no lo veré yo* I won't live to see that 2 (más tarde) later *ya lo haré *I'll do it later *ya te llamaré* I'll give you a ring 3 (ahora mismo) at once, right now, straightaway *tienes que mandarlo ya* you must send it at once *¡ya voy!* I'm coming! 4 (ahora) now *ya viven en el piso nuevo *they're living in the new flat now 5 (uso enfático) *ya lo sé* I know that *es facilísimo, ya verás* it's dead easy, you'll see *y ya no es por el dinero* ... and it's not the money that matters ... 6 (denota satisfacción) *¡ya tenemos coche nuevo!* we've got the new car! *¡ya están aquí! *they're here! 7 (con tono amenazante) * ¡ya verás ya!* just you wait! 8 (con indignación) *¡ya está bien!* enough is enough! 9 (para tranquilizar) *ya encontrarás trabajo, ya verás como sí *you'll find a job, you'll see 10 (para afirmar) I know, yes *tienes que estudiar -- ya, pero ...* you have to study -- I know, but ... interjección 1 irónico oh yes! FRASEOLOGÍA *ya ... ya ... *now ... now ... *ya ríe, ya llora* now she laughs, now she weeps *fantasmas que ya surgen, ya se esfuman* ghosts which first appear and then vanish *ya fueran católicos, ya protestantes* whether they be Catholic or Protestant *ya entiendo* I see *ya era hora* about time too *¡ya está!* there we are!, all done! *ya nos veremos* see you soon *ya que* since, seeing that *ya que estás aquí, quédate a cenar* seeing that you're here, why don't you stay for supper?

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