va a ser o va a estar



Cuando usa va a ser o va a estar. el otro dia digo a me amigo espanol, va a ser una buena fiesta, él dice necisito digo va a estar una buena fiesta. Cual es correcto. Disculpeme escribiendo, estoy aprendiendo espanol. Gracias por tu ayudar


Hello Staz, What you said is right, but a little too formal when you are talking to a friend; there is nothing wrong with your sentence though. If I was writing to a friend an email about a party I thought it was going to be good I would use your exact words. I think what your friend said you should say, might be. "Va a estar buena la fiesta" which is a more relaxed way of saying it. I hope that helps. Mauricio


Gracias Mauricio Cuando voy corriendo, escucho siempre a los discos, me ayduan. Está va a tener un nuevo curso audible por "Rocket Spanish Advanced" Espero que si !! Stan

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