Verbarator rocket Spanish



I'm having difficulty with proper sentence structure as it relates to verbs. Do you recommend any kind of additional help from Rocket? Do you recommend a separate service like the Verbarator? I love the process of Rocket Spanish and the steps to following according to each lesson. That being said, is there any additional options through Rocket Spanish available for more in depth coverage of verbs. Gracias, Sharon


While I'm not really sure exactly what you're looking for, I have two recommendations that have helped me a lot. I purchased the Verbarator last year, and found that it REALLY helped me get through the verb conjugations. While not a teaching system itself, it allows you to practice using your choice of verb conjugations. It covers all the tenses, and using it's built in "phrase maker" option it puts the verbs into sentances. I found that it was (and still is) invaluable practice, and I learned a lot of additional words using the phrase maker. Other than Rocket Spanish, it is the one program out there that is really worth the money. You can set just about every option available, and is a solid system. The other window I open every time I open Rocket Spanis is A great resource as a dictionary, you can translate entire paragraphs if you wish, check your grammar, and learn about all of the verb forms, as well as many other subjects, on their site. The fact that it is a free resource makes it worth every cent! While listed as a "dictionary", I find it to be more of an encyclopedia, as it includes much more than just definitions. Like Rocket Spanish, I use it every single day. Hope these suggestions help!


Thank you so much for your help. This information is great. I will add these additional tools to my daily studies. I appreciate you taking time to help me. Muchas Gracias


Excellent recommendations JC! I too use both programs and they are indeed very helpful. I do wish the Verbarrator would allow for a permanent registration, rather than having to do that each time I open it. But that's a minor quibble. Rich


Gee Rich, I don't have to register mine each time I use it. I'm pretty much online all the time though, and I think it tries to check it's registration each time. I know that several times I used it without being online and it took quite a while to get going. You might try contacting their support.


Hola JC y todos, I should clarify that I have to register when I have closed out of the program and not used it for a week or so. I was one of the first to buy the Verbarrator when it came out at a great discount as an offer to the first 100 members of Learning Spanish Like Crazy who purchased it. That was version 1.0 and the upgrade to the current version was provided as soon as it was upgraded. I believe upgrades are free for life and again I agree it it's a great tool. Saludos, Rich


Thank you for your posts. I've been traveling to other countries and I'm determined to learn the language. it makes the experience sooo much better when you know what's going on and who's saying what. And, it keeps you from looking like a real Gringo. I went to Panama for a month and struggled with my Spanish but estoy Aprendiendo mas y mas cada dia. My next trip I plan to be ready. Mi proxima viaje que voy a estas listo.

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