


This is starting to look hopeless. Started the preterit lesson but when I go to my dictionary I see that between indicative, subjunctive, imperative, perfect, and perfect subjunctive (and I don't really know what any of these mean) there are well over 100 different forms of a verb. I was terrible at grammar in English and given the much more extensive grammar of Spanish I'm not going to do well here.


Hola Robert, Do not be discouraged it will come to you if you keep at. I'm dealing with the subjunctive right now and can relate to feeling overwhelmed. You will not have to deal with learning 100 forms and after a while whether to use the preterit or the the imperfect etc. will come to you. Things that I used to have trouble with like por or para, preterit or imperfect, gender etc. are almost second nature now Above all you want to learn to speak and understand so don't let grammar keep you from that We are all here to learn and help each other. Buena suerte amigo. Saludos' Rich


I agree with Rich... don't try to learn everything at once, and it will come. Even if you have to say a verb in the present (while you are learning) to talk about the past, people will understand you. My 4-year old says stuff like, "I cutted my paper", or "I eated my food". We understand her, correct her, and slowly she learns... just like us in Spanish! Good luck!


One of the most difficult parts of learning a new language is learning about your own, but it will come to you as you learn. You can get by amazingly well with just the present tense, and if you add the past tense you can say just about anything you want in the past, present, or future. Keeping that in mind, all that is left is a bit of refinement.


jchamb is right about learning about your own language.I bought a book titled English Grammar for Students of Spanish by Emily Spinelli. I also recommend Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions and Spanish Verb Tenses, both by Dorothy Richmond. All are available from Amazon. You don't have to get mired down in grammar, just approach it as part of this great journey we are on. And have fun! Below is a link to a learning "soap opera" I am watching it for the third or fourth time and each time I am excited by how much more I understand.. Saludos, Rich


I forgot about Destinos! That is really a great series, and well worth watching. It is an entire series of shows (telenovelas) designed to teach Spanish, and is enjoyable to watch and you learn a lot. When I first started it a couple of years ago I understood very little of what was being said, now I can understand just about all of it. The books by Dorothy Richmond are also the best for learning. I have the Pronouns and Prepositions book, as well as the Spanish Verb Tenses book. They are both highly recommended, have lots of practice examples (both are designed as workbooks). If you work through those you'll be well versed in Spanish, as they have exercises in reading and writing with answers. The material is presented in little "bite size" bits so that you don't feel overwhelmed, and you also don't feel as if you are being force fed grammar. Great recommendations Rich!


Todos, Muchisimas gracias por su palabras inspiraciónes y otras recomendaciónes como Destinos. Es verdad que a veces los tenses y grammar son confundido. Pero, poco a poco. ¡No se rinda! Patricia


Patricia, También te recomiendo Destinos. En estos momentos, estoy en la lección diecinueve y a mí me encanta! Tom


Hola amigos, There is now a sequel to Destinos, Nuevos Destinos. I had a problem trying to put the link here so just do a search. I'm on episode three. Saludos, Rich


Thanks for that news! I found it (love that series!)


jchamb, Gracias por el enlace!


Hola amigos, Voy a escribrir en inglés sobre otra telenovela se llama "La Reina Del Sur" el enlace está baja. This is a really good telenovela and having watched a number of them, with the exception of "Destinos" for the most part, the idea of " good" telenovela is kinda oxymoronic, but "La Reina Del Sur" is well written and well acted. Be aware that there is violence and drug trafficking in the story. It provides an opportunity to hear Spanish from Mexico, Spain, Morocco, Colombia, etc. I have it watched twice and like "Destinos" I will watch it again. And again. Saludos, Rich


Gracias, Rich.


Tosh72, De nada amigo. Espero que disfrutes la telenovela. Saludos, Rich


Crees que es mejor si termino Destinos primero? Solo estoy en el episodio 20, pero por lo general, veo cada episodio de Destinos tres veces. Una vez sin subtítulos, una vez con subtítulos, y la tercera vez sin subtítulos de nuevo para ver si entiendo más. Creo que me ayuda mucho, pero me toma mucho tiempo! Gracias por tus sugerencias. Tom


Bueno, acabo de ver la primera parte del primer episodio de "La Reina del Sur", y prácticamente, no podía comprender nada. Eso es el problema con mis orejas. Empecé a estudiar español hace dos años, sé la gramática bastante bien, y sé un montón de vocabulario, pero todavía no puedo entender nada. ¡Qué frustrante!


Hola Tom, Sí creo que es mejor terminar Destinos primero y tal vez mira "La Reina del Sur" mas tarde, "La Reina del Sur" es muy difícil para mí tambien. Prefiero mirar un progama entero entonces lo miro otra vez, pero usa cualquier manera es mejor para ti. Apropósito, en el original sitio de Destinos no había subtítulos y creo que es mejor cuando subtítulos son disponible. Hay otro sitio de "La Reina del Sur" que tiene subtítulos y voy a tratar encontrarlo. Tambien creo que es muy importante eschuar español todos los dias . Miro televisión, películas y escucho a la radio en español y hablo con otras personas cuando sea posible. Ahora voy a mirar "Como Dice el Dicho" en el canal se llama Univisión. Lo comienza en diez minutos. Saludos, Rich


Hola todos, . Aquí está otro enslace de "La Reina Del Sur" con subitítulos pero los subtítulos están en inglés. Creo que es mejor cuando los están en español. Creí que había otro sitio con subtítutlos en español pero no estoy cierto. Another link for "la Reina". with subtitles but they are in English. I thought there was one with Spanish subtitles but I'm not sure. Saludos, Rich

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