Verbs - infinitives



In the lesson I am working on the phrase " Me puso triste" is used. I have not come across "puso " before and would like a way of finding out what is the infinitive and how it is conjugated in both the present and past tense. Is there somewhere on this site to see this? I don't like just learning something by rote as I cannot use it in other ways - he was sad/ we were sad etc.


puso is third person past tense of poner meaning to put. the phrase literally translates as.... it put me sad, but actually means..... it made me sad. use bing or google to conjugate. just type in conjugate poner in Spanish. various web sites will do it for you. pick the one you like. or the book 501 spanish verbs is great with examples too.


janway, Oscar is accurate and the recommended links and resources also are good. Depending on your learning style you could write your own conjugations on the verbs you are learning or liking and put them in your notes here in RS. Then, you can access them at your convenience deleting, etc.


Thanks - I see it is rather irregular. I am still focusing on the present tense but hope to move on as my Spanish improves.


I have found that they often just "throw in" verbs, especially in the practice portion, that are used later on. While doing a review (I'm toward the end of the Platinum course), I have found some phrases in the subjunctive and conditional used way back in the first two courses (and I never even noticed!) Usually when I am going through a lesson, I have another tab open to, a great resource to use while you study.

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