Verbs with Hay and Hago



Hola, I am so confused over the verbs involving "h" eg. "No hay nada". Does that "hay" come from "haber' = to have? please. What about "Hago"? Is that from "Hacer"? I guess what I really need are the conjugations for those word. . . please. please. Or where I can find them? Many thanks in advance. Carolam :?


Hola. Bienvenida al foro. Yes, hay is a form of haber, and hago is a form of hacer (1st person singular present tense). Frankly, I very strongly recommend that you get a good book that contains the conjugations of lots of verbs. I've got *The Big Red Book of Spanish Verbs: 555 Fully Conjugated Verbs*, which I think now comes in a 2nd edition (I doubt that there's much difference, but I don't really know) and also a version that includes a CD. Other people have mentioned a book called something like 501 Spanish Verbs. I think you'll find a book like one of these indispensible. Of course, you can also find sites online that will conjugate verbs for you. The one I use when I don't have my book at hand is *__*. However, I find it especially useful to have a book available so that I don't always have to go online to get this information.

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