I never know when to use the 'es' or the 'e' conjugation when addressing someone in the 'you' form.
For example, vienes aqui or viene aqui. Both mean come here.
Muchas gracias.
vienes vs. viene when using the 'you' conjugation?

June 26, 2013

June 26, 2013
Tu vienes. This is familiar "you come".
Usted viene. This is polite "you come".
If you are speaking to a family member or a close friend, you probably would use the familiar form (vienes). However, if you are speaking to a stranger or someone to whom you wish to show respect, then you would use the polite form (viene).

June 26, 2013
The familiar (es) form is also used with children.

June 27, 2013
I agree with both answers above. However, De Oppresso Liber you said your examples both mean "come here". Did you mean that both examples mean you come here? I ask because if you are looking for a command asking someone to "come here" you would use ven aquí (informal), or venga aquí (formal). Just wondering.

July 12, 2013
Thanks to all of you. A great help.
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