Today I finally overcame being confused with 'vos'. :D At this link:, you will find very detailed information on the term.
Also, one person stated that in Chile, 'vos' is used as a disrespectful 'tú'. I figure Mauricio will most likely know about this. 'Vos' seems to have a lot of controversy with its use. So, Mauricio, or anyone else that may know if 'vos' is disrespectful to use in Chile, I would appreciate your knowledge.
Thank you in advance!

June 9, 2007

June 14, 2007
Yes, "vos" can be disrespectful in Chile depending on the tone of voice you use when you say it... saying that so can most words... but "vos" is one that is used in particular...
If I remember correctly (or so I was let to believe one day) it has something to do with a long running grudge between Chileans and Spanish people. As the “vos” is used widely in Spain, Chilean found a way to ridicule the saying and over time it became a way to offend someone... (maybe I'm a bit gullible, but it made sense at the time:-))
Anyone is more than welcome to correct me on this...

June 17, 2007
Mauricio, is it true that in Chile, instead of deleting the 'i' from the final dipthong, Chileans delete the final 's', making it "vos soi"; "vos estaí", instead of "vos sos"; "vos estás"?

June 19, 2007
I must admit it's true. But like much of the "Chilean language" it is very "Street" if you know what I mean.

June 24, 2007
Muy bien. ¡Muchísimas gracias, Mauricio!