¿Puede alguien explicar cómo usar "vosotros" e "ir" a decir "you went," "you are going," y "you will go"?
Can someone explain how to use "vosotros" and "ir" to say "you went," "you are going," and "you will go"?
Vosotros and ir

November 5, 2011

November 10, 2011
Vais (you go), estéis yendo (you are going), fuisteis (you went), ibais (you were going), iréis (you will go), vais a ir (you are going to go).
You can find lists of conjugations in various places on the web. Just search for "Spanish conjugations"
But apparently in Latin America, they don't use the vosotros (familar plural) form at all. Instead they use the third person plural "Ustedes form" for "you (pl)":
- van, están yendo, fueron, iban, irán, van a ir.
Search for "vosotros in Latin America" for more on this.

November 12, 2011
Muchas gracias.

November 13, 2011
Raymont gave you the correct info!....and yes, you would only use the "vosotros" in Spain. The rest of us only "ustedes" against "vosotros".