vuelo vs. vuela



Lesson 1.7 begins with the sentence, ¿A qué hora es vuelo?. Why would it not be vuela? I asked a spanish speaker that I work with, but he could not explain why, except that it did not sound correct with vuela. I'm confused.


*_El_* vuelo is masculine, which is why it is vuel*o* instead of vuel*a*. There is no rhyme or reason behind gender assigment in any language I have ever seen... the best thing you can do is just accept it, roll with the flow, and just memorize the gender as you go along to make it as painless a process as possible. Unfortunately, I can't seem to give you a better answer than this, John. It is what it is.


Thanks for responding Loriann, I'm just not thinking today. I am just about three fourth's the way through LSLC and think about verb tense when I hear anything in spanish. I had blinders on when I heard vuela and thought about the verb volar,except vuelo is also a noun meaning a flight. Again thanks for the help.


I can relate!! I'm wading my way back through LSLC again myself. The other day I thought my brain was going to blow up. :lol: Keep on pluggin' away John...

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