Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar What is 'le' doing there?

What is 'le' doing there?



This is in lesson 4.8 in language and culture. In lesson 4.8 it is teaching direct and indirect object stuff Jorge le pide los libros a Carla = Jorge asks Carla for the books Jorge se los pide = Jorge asks her for them What I don't understand is what the 'le' is doing there. Pide (verb), los = the, libros (inderect objects), Carla (direct object) oh oh oh!!! does the le indicat the Carla is the direct object and not the books??? ~James


Hola James, Here is a video regarding direct & indirect pronoun usage that I think will help you. . Saludos, Rich


Muchas gracias. Un grande ayudar. :-)


James, De nada amigo. Me alegro que el vidéo fue útil para tí .Me lo fue muy útil a mí tambien. Saludos, Rich

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