In lesson 2.4 Amy says very imphatically not to use "¿Qué?" when you haven't heard what someone has said and want to ask "What?". She says to use "¿Comó?" instead but gives no explanation. I've heard "¿Qué?" used in this way on Spanish television shows (mostly when someone has been told something that shocks or surprises them). Anyway, I just would like to know what is wrong with saying "¿Qué?" to ask "What?".
What's wrong with "¿qué?" for asking "what?&q

May 17, 2008

May 21, 2008
Hello Jake.
The use of "que" just like it's English equivalent "what" is not viewed as polite, much like in English... you'll find that when people don't understand something in English they usually say "Pardon" or "excuse me"... if you simply blurt out "WHAT?????" you might get a few funny looks... anyway, maybe in English it's not so important but in Spanish you may want to use the more polite version.. ¿como? which in that instance it's translated as "pardon?"
... if like you say you want to sounds shocked at something that was said, not something you didn't understand... by all means use "QUE!!!?????"
I hope that helps.

May 21, 2008
I really appreciate your reply. I had been thinking about this after I posted my question and considering the context of when I had heard it on television, and I had come to the conclusion that "¿Qué?" was used more as a way of expressing shock, surprise or dismay at what was said rather than simply to indicate not having heard or understood what was said. For instance, the other day I heard someone say "¿Qué?" after being told that they were on “Que Locura”. Also, people seem to say it a lot on the “soap opera” type shows when they hear about some shocking development. Your post confirms what I was thinking. It’s good to know when to use "¿Qué?" and when to use "¿Comó?"
muchas gracias

May 22, 2008
Hi Jake,
You are welcome.
..hmmm good old spanish soap operas, I remember watching many of those with my grandmother... yes, they would use ¿Que?, ¿Que dices?!! a lot... almost every
Best of luck to you.

June 2, 2008
Hello, I have a similar question. When using Chevere, we can use que to say how in "how cool". are there any other times that we would use que for how? Obviously, practice and familiarizing myself will help, however are there some often used times to expect?

June 5, 2008
I have heard similar phrases used, such as "Que Bueno!", "Que Bonita!"and "Que Hermosa!". I guess whenever you want to say "How ____!" something is you can use "Que" with the appropriate adjective.
I hope this helps.

June 6, 2008
Thank you jakeDev