Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Why Do We Need the NOS Pronoun

Why Do We Need the NOS Pronoun



El momento en que nos dedicamos a torturar a nuestros alumnos...




¡Hola Ken3883!

Again, sorry to have kept you waiting!

The nos pronoun is a reflexive one, and it's used here because we're using the reflexive verb dedicarse “to dedicate (oneself).” So nos dedicamos a torturar literally means “we dedicate ourselves to torturing.”

It looks like the translation for this sentence in the lesson is a bit loose; I'll check in with our Spanish team to see about updating it so that the meaning is clearer!

Do let me know if you still have any questions here! If you'd like to revisit reflexive/pronominal verbs, it might be helpful to take a look at Lesson 7.5: “Actions You Do to Yourself: Reflexives.” 



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