Why use que



Hola todos, I have a question. Why say, " que tengas un muy bien dias" instead of, "tengas un muy bien dias"? What is the importance of the "que"? To me it sounds like, "what have a very good day". Me apprendiendo es muy muy lento. Por me, es la lucha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gracias. Phil


The reason is a shortening of the sentence. There is a expression missing Espero que tengas ..... Quiero que ....... So very often they just drop the Espero or Quiero as it is implied. Regards Nev


[quo]*Quote from * nevjohnson The reason is a shortening of the sentence. There is a expression missing Espero que tengas ..... Quiero que ....... So very often they just drop the Espero or Quiero as it is implied. Nev[/quo] ¡Muchas Gracias, Nev! Now I don't have to worry anymore about trying to fully understand what it means in a statement when one says, ¡Que no me olvides!, y ¡Que tengas un buen día!, o lo que sea. From what I had understood, I took it as meaning, "Now, don't forget me!" and "Now, you have a good day!" Basically meaning, "I hope you don't forget me.", and so forth. The way you put it helped me completely. ¡Por fin! :) Sólo hay una expresión perdida. ¡Eso es todo!


[quo]*Quote from * nevjohnson The reason is a shortening of the sentence. There is a expression missing Espero que tengas ..... Quiero que ....... So very often they just drop the Espero or Quiero as it is implied. Regards Nev[/quo] Excellente! Recordando y mirando para las palabras implicadas(ei: 'Espero' y 'Quiero' sobre), es una buena ayuda cuando 'que' no se parece trabajar.


That's very good Nev, It's really something... when I say "Que tengas un buen día" I don't even think about it... but you are of course right.. there is a "quiero" or "espero" implied on that sentence. One think I have picked up through the years is that most speaker are lazy... not only in Spanish but English as well, I mean in a way that if we can shorten a sentence we will!... definitely something to watch out for. Regards, Mauricio.

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