Hi I am anthony,
I am having trouble with my word transition with words that end in L into words that begin in R (el rey), and also words that end in S and being with R (los reyes). How do I combat that? I think that I am holding my tongue to long against my teeth that I am not able to roll my R to transition into the next word.
Word transitioning

July 3, 2012

July 4, 2012
Hola Anthony!
Saludos desde Mexico!
I see your nickname is Guapo_papi! haha it sounds cool!...."goodlooking daddy"...anyway!..
About the "L" and "R" words, as you have noticed we have a strong R sound in spanish, but also the L has a more "muted" sound, involving less tounge action than the L found in the name "Mel" or the word "Gel".
Unfortanely there is only one way to master this, and its practicing a lot, also listening to spanish tv, radio and trying to imitate the sound, more than trying to read it, per se...that way you will get the feelling and the precise sound!...just imitate!...also try separating the phrase like in "el rey", say "EL, el el el " many times...and then REY, REY REY", then try to join them...EL REY!...so that the tounge gets use to it!...
We also have the same situation but in reverse, when trying to learn english...words like "refrigerator" and "murderer" are difficult for our tounges to pronounce, because of the way the R sounds in english, a bit more soft , and we also need to imitate as much as we can.....by the way, i didnt mention it, but im Mexican, native spanish speaker, so i know this for a fact!...
Well i hope this info helps!...
Mucha suerte amigo! ;)
buen dia!