Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Would either sentence be correct?

Would either sentence be correct?



Hola. Wondering if I might be able to make it easier on my English brain. The explanation in RS, p. 104, writes the question as: A quien le servimos la comida? Could I also say correctly "A quien servimos la comida?" (That way, I could forget about tryng to remember/understand the necessity of the pronoun "le", at least until I get a little more fluent...


[quo]*Quote from * Jim_ Could I also say correctly "A quien servimos la comida?" (That way, I could forget about tryng to remember/understand the necessity of the pronoun "le", at least until I get a little more fluent...[/quo] Hola Jim. As far as I know, omitting the "le" would make your sentence incorrect. Frankly, since Spanish makes such extensive use of this seemingly redundant construction, you'd probably be much better off if you get into the habit of using it from the start.

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