Pero creo yo que debe ser “la Internet,” como “net” es “una red” en español. I know that internet could be el internet or la internet, but at the beginning of the sentence, I thought it would better if its "Pero yo creo que debe ser la internet. Explain please. Thanks.
Yo creo vs Pero creo yo que debe ser

Ava Dawn
September 16, 2014

September 17, 2014
Hi, I was looking in the official Spanish language dictionary (Real Academia de la Lengua española) and the word doesn't come as either masculine of feminine, but rather,"amb-ambiguous". I personally use the masculine one (el internet) but since the internet is a net, and net in spanish is 'red' , "la red", is feminine, so it makes sense that they also call it "la internet".
We also say "la conexión a internet", the conection to internet, and it uses "la"since "conexión" is fem.
Hope this helps!