In the very last audio lesson of Level 3 ( I'm a little sad that was the end, I'll have to get the Travelogue eventually ), You have this sentence:
Why the heck is the por in there?
"No tienes que" means you don't have to, why is por there.
(Note: I may continue adding other examples, of other sentences , in this single thread here, .. examples where there's just a slight variation of what I think should be there, but the espanol is a little different. )
Ya, ¡No tienes por qué ponerte tan político!
"Alright, (you) don't have to get so political. (sing/inf)"
Why the heck is the por in there?
"No tienes que" means you don't have to, why is por there.
(Note: I may continue adding other examples, of other sentences , in this single thread here, .. examples where there's just a slight variation of what I think should be there, but the espanol is a little different. )