Yo vs Me

Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

I retired last year. Me jubilé el año pasado. This looks like a preterite. Again the same question. Why ""Me jubile (accent on e) and not "Yo jubile (accent on e)".
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

You practice these words. Practicas tú estas palabras. Here's another one. Why not Tu practicas estas palabras? Sorry about all these questions. It is probably too elementary for some of you. But it's my question and if somebody explains then it won't be a question anymore.


I think I can answer these (and no, no question is too elementary!). "Me jubilé" (from jubilarse) is a reflexive verb. Unlike our discussions with comer vs. comerse, I don't think you can use this verb non-reflexively as in "Yo jubilé". "Practicas tú" vs. "Tú practicas" are pretty interchangeable although the former is probably more common in the context of asking a question.


I agree the first is reflexive. You used the accented tú in the first example, which is you, and unaccented in the second, which would be your. Does that make a difference in the translation? If translated literally (dangerous, I know) the first sentence is "You practice your those words doesn't make sense. The second, "You practice those words" sounds better. But maybe you just forgot to put the accent on the second tu?
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

The first tu (with accent) is copy and paste. The second tu is a mistake. I don't know how to type accented vowels with my phone.


Hola a todos, I agree with Steven! No question is too elementary, we are all here to help each other in our common goal, to learn Spanish. Saludos, Ricardo
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Does someone have a list of reflexive verbs, like about 20 of them?


Aquí es una lista: http://www.drlemon.com/Grammar/reflex-list.html Me gusta este sitio web también. Hay mucha información utíl. Dan


Some verbs have reflexive and non-reflexive usages. One example is 'ir'. A verb is reflexive when subject and object are the same. Voy a ir = I am going to go Tengo que irme = I have to go. I wash myself. (subject and object is I) Yo me lavo. I wash the dog. (subject is I and the object is dog) Yo lavo el perro. http://www.studyspanish.com/lessons/reflexive1.htm
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

The links are wonderful. I really am actively learning now. I was just memorizing before and becoming familiar with the Spanish vocabulary. If anyone wonders, that was what I was doing with RS, hence the very high scores.

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