Rocket German Reviews

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5264 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.6% (4140)

4 Stars

13.9% (733)

3 Stars

4.1% (214)

2 Stars

1.5% (78)

1 Star

1.9% (99)

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Alan R

Alan R


Rocket German
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First year of German course is good, but the quality goes downs in the second year.
Also, they are spammers: does not matter how many times you hit unsubscribe, you will continue to receive the wonderful 60% discount a LOT. I do not recommend at all.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Alan, thank you for leaving a review. We appreciate your feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the difficulty you faced while trying to unsubscribe from our emails. Our Customer Support team has reached out to confirm with you if we can remove your email address from our database. This ensures that you will not receive any further emails from us. The good news is that we recently released an updated version of Rocket German Level 2. You can, therefore, expect the new level 2 course to be extremely high quality and an integral stepping stone in your German language journey. We wish you the best!




Rocket German
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1. You could give more practice with the words, before passing to the flashcards.
2. More activities can be introduced, such as putting in the missing words in the sentences, and others like those. Currently, the major way of learning is merely the typical drills. It is too much technical, which is good if it is something additional, but without the greater variety of the exercised it is too inhuman, and somewhat boring. I am also comparing it with the Babbel, and they have some adaptions to the humans, when the dialog is going on, and one has to add the missing words. So, more human like activities would be useful.
Cannot say anything about the customer service, because did not use it yet.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thank you for your review and for these feature requests. We have passed this feedback on to the Rocket German team for them to have a look at.

ian durie

Ian Durie

dundee , United Kingdom

Rocket German
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An interesting language program but has problems playing in the company's recommended browser " Chrome ", keeps crashing used different laptops using Windows 7, Vista, and Windows 10 whilst using " Chrome ". Ended up doing a lot of work on a laptop running Windows XP using
" Firefox " avoiding " Chrome " as the system is too ancient for " Google " developers of " Chrome ". The constant crashes of " Chrome " disheartened me , after doing the same work three times run out of free time to get the 400 points that is recommended for daily target. That said if the constant crashes are eliminated then it is a good program.

Todd P

Todd P

United States

Rocket German
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This could easily be a 5 star program, but there are enough poor choices by the designers that make it less valueable or frustrating to use that I am being generous to give this 3 stars. The bottom line is that it works, and it did better for me than when I used Rosetta Stone to learn another language.

I have been using this program for 10 months and have had 3 visits to Germany during this time related to work. This is where I think the program isn't good:
1. This program stresses in the informal ways of addressing people. Germans, especially in business, use the formal case (Sie not Du).
2. The program doesn't teach any language rules, rather just provides example after example such as how to conjugate a verb.
3. THe most frustrating part is that the program tries to inculcate easy words (Ja, Nein), and sometimes not useful words like Wunderbar constantly, but doesn't stress words that are important to know such as to want, to like, to take, to need. If someone can't get Ja and Nein correct after the third lesson, then they need to quit.

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Kahlen L

Kahlen L


Rocket German
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I just went through the introduction, the only problem I had would be there's no spelling in the conversation. If I would be listening to this program without pre-study the contents, it's hard to remember the sentence afterwards.

Fiona  Brady

Fiona Brady

Rocket German
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I Have Been Enjoying My German Learning Through Rocket German. I Like That Each Lesson Explains What You Are Learning And There Are Opportunities To Review Everything I Have Learnt Looking Forward To Doing More And More Lessons.

Brian Holsneck

Brian Holsneck

United States

Rocket German
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Been doing the Rocket German for about 3 months. So far, I've enjoyed it for the most part and am looking forward to getting into the second Level. My one complaint/suggestion is that I find the written lessons to be poorly set up. The focus looks like it is supposed to be on grammar in many lessons, yet they are taught with 20+ new vocabulary words in many of them. So instead of focusing on the new grammar rules, you get lost trying to figure out what all of the new vocabulary is. Would suggest using only words already known when first introducing a grammar lesson so that the focus is kept on the grammar and not diverted to the new words. I've come out of several of the written lessons with no more knowledge of the grammar rules then when I went in because 90% of the examples were with new vocabulary. Audio lessons are great though, and overall I still think there are many positives. Looking forward to the updated level one German whenever it is due out.

Response from Rocket Languages

Hi Brian - It's a balancing act to know when new vocabulary should be introduced, as everyone is different in how they learn. Our approach has been to deliver common words and important terminology in our lessons, so that over time the essential vocabulary you need is built up.

Brittany Friesen

Brittany Friesen


Rocket German
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This program is certainly very good for beginners, but only to a certain point. I am currently in Module 7 and finding myself extremely frustrated at the amount of unnecessary English description that happens in the audio.
When I started the program, of course the added English was very helpful because I was starting from the very bottom, but I really feel that by almost the end of the first level, there should either be much more spoken German, or at least much less English dialogue.

Darrell Bartlett

Darrell Bartlett

Rocket German
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I have generally enjoyed the lessons and have moved through easily. Some of the German speakers speak too quickly, however, and I cannot follow them. This true mostly for the lessons are sent to me or the extra lessons, not the dashboard.

Terry Horan

Terry Horan

SHEFFIELD , United Kingdom

Rocket German
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I like the interaction in the 'Play it' section but there are problems;

1. The programme frequently states that it has not heard my reply - despite that when I press playback my reply is very clearly there - this is very frustrating and time consuming.

2. The programme makes no allowance for a beginner taking time making a reply which inevitably takes a lot longer than a fluent speaker would take - this again is very frustrating and prevents making best use of the programme.