
Rocket German
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1. You could give more practice with the words, before passing to the flashcards.
2. More activities can be introduced, such as putting in the missing words in the sentences, and others like those. Currently, the major way of learning is merely the typical drills. It is too much technical, which is good if it is something additional, but without the greater variety of the exercised it is too inhuman, and somewhat boring. I am also comparing it with the Babbel, and they have some adaptions to the humans, when the dialog is going on, and one has to add the missing words. So, more human like activities would be useful.
Cannot say anything about the customer service, because did not use it yet.

Response from Rocket Languages

Thank you for your review and for these feature requests. We have passed this feedback on to the Rocket German team for them to have a look at.