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I love you in Japanese

How do you say I love you in Japanese?

Though one of the most popular phrases in any language is “I love you,” Japanese rarely express their love in words. When they do put their feelings into words, it is generally preferred to use the phrase “suki desu,” or "I like you" instead.

Listen to the native speakers on the audio, and practice saying the Japanese phrases aloud. Whether you want to make some friendly Japanese conversation, or go out on a date, these might come in handy!

Resources for further reading:

Pronouncing I love you in Japanese

If you want to confess your love to someone, just say...

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Japanese pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!


あなた が すき です。

Anata ga suki desu.

(I) like you.

Some Japanese have never used the phrase "I love you" (aishite imasu) in their life! Try pronouncing "I love you" in Japanese:


あなた を あいして います

Anata o aishite imasu.

I love you.

Other ways to say I love you in Japanese

What do you do when you meet someone and you realize that you are falling in love? Here are some phrases you might want to use…


あなた が だいすき です。

Anata ga daisuki desu.

(I) like you very much.


あなた に むちゅう です。

Anata ni muchū desu.

(I) am crazy about you.

I love you in Japanese

Asking someone out

You can ask someone out for a date by saying one of the following phrases…


デート へ いきません か?

Dēto e ikimasen ka?

Won't (you) go on a date (with me)?


あなた の こと を もっと  しりたい です。

Anata no koto o motto shiritai desu.

(I) want to know more about you.


あなた を ゆうしょく に しょうたい したい の です が。

Anata o yūshoku ni shōtai shitai no desu ga.

(I) want to take you out for dinner.


こんど いつ あえます か?

Kondo itsu aemasu ka?

When can (I) see (you) next time?

Some more useful phrases when dating the man or woman of your dreams...


きれい だ よ!

Kirei da yo!

(You) look pretty!


あなた は ほんとう に やさしい です ね。

Anata wa hontō ni yasashī desu ne.

You are really kind.


わたしたち の こと ほんき です か?

Watashitachi no koto honki desu ka?

Are (you) serious about us?


あなた と いっしょ に いたい です。

Anata to issho ni itai desu.

(I) want to be with you.


わたし と けっこん したい です か?

Watashi to kekkon shitai desu ka?

Do (you) want to marry me?

あなたは素晴らしい 。

あなた は すばらしい 。

Anata wa subarashī.

You are wonderful.

Why not check out some more lessons on Japanese phrases next?


Sayaka Matsuura: Rocket Japanese

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