Accommodation in Korean

If you’re traveling in Korea and you’ve just arrived in a new place, how do you find accommodation in Korean? How do you explain that you’re looking for a Korean-style inn, or a cheap place nearby? Perhaps you’d prefer a Western-style hotel, or youth hostel. After this free audio lesson you’ll know how to ask for suitable accommodation in Korean.

Once you know your options, you’ll probably need transportation to get there. What’s the word for “bus stop” in Korean? And how do you explain to the driver where you’d like to get off?

Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered. Stick with the Rocket Korean team and you’ll have your bags unpacked and your feet up in no time!

Resources for further reading:

Pronunciation help for finding accommodation in Korean

Korea offers a wide choice of places to stay, from Western-style hotels to traditional Korean inns.

There are five major types of accommodation in Korea – hotels, yugwan (Korean-style inns), yuinsook (small Korean-style inns), minbak (rooms in private houses) and youth hostels.

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Korean pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

[...] 어디 있어요?

[…] udi itsuyo?

Where is a […] ?



… camping ground









…Korean-style inn



…small Korean-style inn


Yooseu hoseutel

…youth hostel

Hotel in Korean

If you’re on a tight budget or need somewhere nearby to stay, you can always ask for a recommendation at the airport’s information desk.

숙소 추천해주세요

[…] sookso choochun haejooseyo

Please recommend somewhere [...]












여자 여행자에게 안전한

Yuja yuhaengja ege anjunhan

safe for women travelers

Once you have decided where to stay, you need to find out how to get there. Let’s say you decide to take public transport – a bus or buseu. Let’s find out which bus goes to your chosen accommodation and learn some useful phrases that will get you on the right bus.

어느 버스가 [...] 에 가나요?

Uneu buseu ga […] e ganayo?

Which bus goes to the […]?

버스 정류장이 어디에요?

Buseu jungujang ee udiyeyo?

Where's the bus stop?

이 버스 [...]에 가나요?

Ee buseu […] e kanayo?

Does this bus go to […]?

다음 버스 언제 있나요?

Da-eum buseu unje itnayo?

When is the next bus?

[...] 에서 내려요.

[…] esuh naeruyo.

I'd like to get off at […].

Do you prefer to go by taxi, or taekshi?

A taxi driver who doesn’t speak English can be a challenge to communicate with when you are in a foreign-speaking country. You don’t have to worry in Korea – there is system to make communication easier between drivers and overseas visitors where there is a number to call to hook you up with someone who will translate for you.

However, you should still be familiar with some important phrases – just in case.

택시 정류장이 어디에요?

Taekshi jungujang ee udiyeyo?

Where is the taxi stand?

이 택시 가나요?

Ee taekshi ganayo?

Is this taxi available?

[...] 으로 가주세요.

[…] euro gajooseyo.

Please take me to […].

[...] 까지 요금이 얼마에요?

[…] kgaji yogeum ee ulmayeyo?

How much is the fare to [...]?

여기 내려 주세요.

Yugi naeruh jooseyo.

Please stop here.

여기서 기다려 주세요.

Yugisuh gidaruh jooseyo.

Please wait here.

Well, that’s it for now.

Here are a few recommended Korean lessons to try next!

Anyoung hee gaseyo!

Sujung Lee: Rocket Korean

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