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Hotel in Korean

If you’re traveling in Korea, how do you book a hotel in Korean? You’ll know how after this free audio lesson! We’ll show you how to make a hotel reservation over the phone or speak to a Korean receptionist in person.

You’ll learn the Korean words for “single”, “double” and “per person”. You’ll feel more confident with questions in Korean like “how much?” and “how many”, and the kind of basic Korean conversation you need to understand.

Listen carefully to the Korean pronunciation of the native speakers and then practice saying the Korean words and phrases aloud.

Resources for further reading:

Did You Know? Hotels range from international five-star standard to budget accommodation. They are classified by the ‘Rose of Sharon’ (the national flower of Korea) instead of stars. The top quality hotels have five roses.

How to pronounce hotel in Korean

Here are some of the most basic Korean phrases to get you started. Further on in this lesson we will look at the pronunciation of these and more Korean phrases.

  • Do you have any rooms available? - 방 있어요? - Bang itsuyo?
  • Do you have a room for tonight? - 오늘 밤 빈방 있어요? - Oneul bam been bang itsuyo?
  • Yes, we have rooms available. - 네, 방 있어요. - Ne, bang itsuyo.
  • No, unfortunately we have no rooms available. - 죄송하지만 방이 없네요. - Jwesong hajiman bang ee upneyo.
  • We’re full. - 빈 방 없어요. - Been bang upsuyo.
  • For how many people? - 몇분이세요? - Myut boon iseyo?
  • For how many nights? - 몇일 묵으실건데요? - Myut eel moogeushil gundeyo?
  • How much is it per night? - 하루에 얼마에요? - Haroo e ulmayeyo?
  • How much is it per week? - 주당 얼마에요? - Joodang ulmayeyo?
  • How much per person? - 일인당 얼마에요? - Eel in dang ulmayeyo?

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Korean pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!




방 있어요?

Bang itsuyo?

Do you have any rooms available?

오늘 밤 빈방 있어요?

Oneul bam been bang itsuyo?

Do you have a room for tonight?

The receptionist may respond…

네, 방 있어요.

Ne, bang itsuyo.

Yes, we have rooms available.

죄송하지만 방이 없네요.

Jwesong hajiman bang ee upneyo.

No, unfortunately we have no rooms available.

빈 방 없어요.

Been bang upsuyo.

We're full.

The availability of a room may depend on the number of people staying, and how long you’re planning to stay. The receptionist may ask:


Myut boon iseyo?

For how many people?

몇일 묵으실건데요?

Myut eel moogeushil gundeyo?

For how many nights?

Or you can go ahead and ask:

하루에 얼마에요?

Haroo e ulmayeyo?

How much is it per night ?

주당 얼마에요?

Joodang ulmayeyo?

How much is it per week?

일인당 얼마에요?

Eel in dang ulmayeyo?

How much per person?

Room costs differ depending on the number of people sharing the room. Express the number of people in your party by using the counter –boon.

한 분

Han boon

One person

두 분

Doo boon

Two people

세 분

Se boon

Three people

네 분

Ne boon

Four people

다섯 분

Dasut boon

Five people

Now, let’s specify how long you’re planning to stay:

[...] 동안 머물건데요.

[...] dong-an mumool gundeyo.

I am going to stay for […]


Eel bak iyeyo.

one night



two days


Eel jooil

One week

The receptionist may also ask whether you want a single, shared or double room, and whether you’d like a Western-style or Korean-style room. The following words are used to describe types of hotel rooms:

[...]가 좋겠어요.

[...] ga joketsuyo.

I would like a […]

서양식 방

Suyangshik bang

Western-style room

한식 방

Hanshik bang

Korean-style room

독방/ 싱글룸

Dok bang / sing-geul room

Single room

같이 쓰는 방

Gachi tseuneun bang

Shared room


Ee in shil

Double room

Let’s learn how to ask how much it will cost for your choice of room, for a specified duration.

일인실 이틀에 얼마에요?

Eel in shil eeteul e ulmayeyo?

How much is a single room for two nights?

이인실 하루에 얼마에요?

Ee in shil haroo e ulmayeyo?

How much is a double room for one night?

Double bed in Korean

Some hotels charge per room, others per person. Here are some possible answers you might hear…

하루에 십만원이에요.

Haroo e ship man won iyeyo.

That costs 100,000 won per night.

일인당 오만원이에요.

Eel in dang oh man won iyeyo.

That costs 50,000 won per person

이인실은 일인당 십오만원이에요.

Ee in shil eun eel in dang ship oh man won iyeyo.

A double room costs 150,000 won per person.

일인실은 하루에 팔만원이에요.

Eel in shil eun haroo e pal man won iyeyo.

A single room costs 80,000 won per night

That’s all for this lesson. See you for the next edition; it’ll be packed with all sorts of good learning!

For more lessons on Korean vocabulary I recommend these!

Anyoung hee gaseyo!

Sujung Lee: Rocket Korean

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