Jamian Murray

Jamian Murray

Rocket German
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At first, I wasn't entirely sure about Rocket Languages. I had seen reviews on other websites saying that it's teaching methods are comparable and even superior to Rosetta Stone, but I wasn't convinced... until I actually tried it for myself.

As a native German born, I wanted to get back to my roots and re-learn the language I lost when I moved to the states 15 years ago. And let me tell you, if you ever plan on using the language you're trying to learn, Rocket Languages is the place to learn it from. My mother, who is completely German, was completely astonished at my grasp of the language after using Rocket Languages.

Beyond being extremely good at teaching the language, Rocket Languages also manages to keep you motivated as well, with fun activities such as flash cards, to their really cool badge system, which makes you feel accomplished as you reach milestones.

After trying out this product, I can proudly say I'll be coming back in the near future for my next Language Package, French!